Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Environment...Ignore the Global Warming stuff

Global warming has gotten in the way of many efforts to solve environmental problems that many of us have tried to solve for many years. Water, air and earth are the areas we should target for improvement on the local level. Every energy source and product type we have today should be used for the growth of our country but each of these must be used in the most efficient manner. Homes, and Businesses must work to make sure they use every resource in its most efficient manner. Government and other political organizations must make sure its people and society as a whole are given every resource to use for current operations and to innovate with for the future growth of its people and society. Global warming is not caused by mankind or mankind's activities but this issue has brought the need to optimize the efficiencies of how we utilize the globe's resources. So ignore Global Warming and lets focus on building a better world through better business and more efficient operations.

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