Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reflexive Politics a true indicator of your political leadership

How do we as individuals find out how our political leaders are going to protect our freedom from oppressive government. It is a very simple answer... Just look at how the politician react under pressure to provide solutions to problems. If the politicians first "Reflexive Political action" is to jump into a government solution to the issue with no regards or consideration to the American people... he or she is not a politician to be trusted with the protection of your freedom from a government that will grow to rule you versus serve you as an American Tax payer.

For example, lets look at Obama Bush and McCain's reactions to the financial issues that we are all having to deal with. Did they look to the American Business or voter to aid in the solution to the issue?....No they went to a mechanism of govt as the solution to the problem. They developed a government "bailout" bill where the govt elected to dole out monies to the projects and programs that govt believes are solutions to our economic issues. So how is that working for us! Less than 20% of that money has been distributed and it seems a lot of these dollars have been spent on very large signs announcing, "Your Economic Recovery Dollars at work" even though it has not gone un-noticed that many of these projects were already underway.

This was a negative Political Reflex that believes in government over the Economics, dynamics and capabilities of the American people. No matter what they say, if they look to a government solution first and foremost over an "American people" solution this is a man or women that can't be trusted with the reins of power in a county seat, State office or Federal office. They have no faith in the system that is electing them... the people of the district that voted them in.

A positive Political Reflex to the government "bailout" bill would have been to grant a complete and total Tax freeze for all the State and Federal tax payers (individuals and businesses) for a period of 6 to 12 months. This would have gotten all the money out to all the taxpayers (Business and personal) and would have generated a stimulus of investment and business growth that would have diminished the recession that we are currently going through.

If our elected officials (I don't call them leaders because they are not) would have put their faith in Americans instead of Government this recession would have never happened (the cause of all of this... my next blog) or would not have been as severe. Our Govt. officials wanted to dole the money out as a way of control and "re-election" politics instead of solving the problems and because of this game... millions of families are suffering.. while they fiddle with theories and petty debate.

Lets dump those that are Reflexive to govt control ... just ask this question to those running for office, "What would you have done to head off this economic problem?? What do you want to do to solve this problem now that it exists?" If they Reflex to govt... they are not the candidate.

If the person is your current rep... just look at how he voted or proposed regulations....If it is Government first .... he or she is wrong for people and our country....


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